First, you must have server/VPS
For this tutorial, I use Centos 6. 86_64x32
update your server
Now, open/enter to folder vpn server
Answer All question with number 1
Write this Command
exit editor mode/insert mode by press ESC and Press Shift + Z+Z
Now enter this command
Download softether vpn server manager For Windows (admin) here
install softether vpn server manager (admin tools only) don't install VPN Server and bridge
After Install, press new setting, enter Setting Name, Ip address your server in host name and port (default 443) insert like this picture below
Choose setting and press Connect, If Connected. Your server are ready to use as vpn
Now, Insert Password for first use, remember your password.
Viola, you can setting openvpn, ipsec/l2TP. But We only setting for using softether vpn client.
Now, In vpn manage server, press create a virtual hub
Press ok and you just create a virtual hub. Select your virtual hub and choose Manage Virtual Hub.
Press, Virtual Nat and Virtual DHCP Server (SecureNAT).
Enable secure NAT and press SecureNAT Configuration
Now press ok and exit your Softether VPN Server Manager
Finish, you can connect to your server by choose a new setting who you just entered.
Read Other Tutorial How To Connect Internet use Softether VPN Client Here
You don't have server? you can use softether available in
If error after use "make" command ( usr/bin/ld: cannot find crt1.o: No such file or directory /usr/bin/ld) use this command
Sorry For My Bad English.
Watch Full Tutorial Video here
For this tutorial, I use Centos 6. 86_64x32
update your server
yum update -yInstall Development Tools
yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -yInstall GCC & Libpcap
yum install gcc * -yor alternative
yum install libpcap * -y
yum install gcc -yDownload packet softether
yum install libpcap -y
wget file
tar xzvf softether-vpnserver-v4.10-9473-beta-2014.07.12-linux-x86-32bit.tar.gz
Now, open/enter to folder vpn server
cd vpnserverInstall softether using command:
Answer All question with number 1
cd ..Move folder vpnserver to /usr/local
mv vpnserver /usr/localEnter to folder vpnserver
cd /usr/local/vpnserver
Write this Command
chmod 600 *Create file vpnserver in /etc/init.d/
chmod 700 vpncmd
chmod 700 vpnserver
vi /etc/init.d/vpnserverenter/write this script, before that you just press i in keyboard, just use copy/paste
# chkconfig: 2345 99 01
# description: SoftEther VPN Server
test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
case "$1" in
$DAEMON start
touch $LOCK
$DAEMON stop
rm $LOCK
$DAEMON stop
sleep 3
$DAEMON start
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
exit editor mode/insert mode by press ESC and Press Shift + Z+Z
Now enter this command
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/vpnserverIf success, you might seem like this
/sbin/chkconfig --add vpnserver
/etc/init.d/vpnserver start
Download softether vpn server manager For Windows (admin) here
install softether vpn server manager (admin tools only) don't install VPN Server and bridge
After Install, press new setting, enter Setting Name, Ip address your server in host name and port (default 443) insert like this picture below
Choose setting and press Connect, If Connected. Your server are ready to use as vpn
Now, Insert Password for first use, remember your password.
Viola, you can setting openvpn, ipsec/l2TP. But We only setting for using softether vpn client.
Now, In vpn manage server, press create a virtual hub
Press, Virtual Nat and Virtual DHCP Server (SecureNAT).
Enable secure NAT and press SecureNAT Configuration
Setting your Secure NAT, maybe you not make change it, but if you dislike, you can use different ip address.
and use DNS DHCP for client.
Press ok and back to window manage virtual hub, insert username & password for client
Open your softether vpn client and enter setting as same you're entered in softether vpn server manager.
Insert Host name, Port (default 443, you can use other port as same your server listening port), username and password. Press Ok
Insert Host name, Port (default 443, you can use other port as same your server listening port), username and password. Press Ok
Finish, you can connect to your server by choose a new setting who you just entered.
Read Other Tutorial How To Connect Internet use Softether VPN Client Here
You don't have server? you can use softether available in
If error after use "make" command ( usr/bin/ld: cannot find crt1.o: No such file or directory /usr/bin/ld) use this command
yum install glibc-devel.i686 glibc-devel.x86_64 gmp-devel mpfr-devel
Sorry For My Bad English.
Watch Full Tutorial Video here
Cara Install Softether VPN Server di Centos 6